How To Manage A Drug Comedown

How To Manage A Drug Comedown

Often those with substance abuse or drug and alcohol addiction problems, they experience a feeling of pleasure and euphoria while using. Substances can make drug abusers feel confident, elated, invincible, or incredibly happy. This is what is described as “high” and is what causes people to want to continuously keep feeling this sensation. However, this…

Co-Occurring Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder

Signs and Symptoms of Co-Occurring Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder

Alcohol and drug abuse treatment and recovery is often not a straight path for someone who may have other underlying physical or mental health issues.  Many types of mental health disorders are experienced by individuals also struggling with addiction. Addiction and mental health issues commonly occur together.  There are specific mental disorders that commonly occur…

Flexible Options for Addiction Recovery

Flexible Addiction Recovery Options for Students, Employees, Parents, and More

Finding Addiction Treatment for People Who Work, Go to School, or Have Families to Care For When it comes to alcohol and drug addiction treatment, most people assume that all treatment programs require an extended residential inpatient program. Although this time of treatment program may offer the type of intensive substance abuse treatment needed for…

Is Drug Detox Enough for Recovery

Is Drug Detox Enough for Recovery?

What is Medical Drug Detox?  The process of detoxing from addictive substances with medical assistance, known as Medical Drug Detox, is a service offered at many drug and alcohol facilities that can greatly reduce the discomfort experienced during the withdrawal process by those attempting to recover from substance abuse.  In most cases during medical detox,…

Female Celebrities in Recovery

12 Female Celebrities in Recovery

Celebrities in Recovery: Male versus Female We often hear about famous people who struggled with drug or alcohol abuse, especially men, including Bradley Cooper, Ben Affleck, Brad Pitt, and Robert Downey Jr. However, it is less often that we know about female celebrity recovery stories. For many, the lifestyles of rich and famous celebrities seem…